Individual Channeling Sessions
Channeling is connecting to and receiving light and wisdom from spirit. Anyone can be a channel for energy, through purification, dedication and practice.
Donna was born with clairvoyant, clairaudient and healing capacities. She has been on the path of honing her skills over a lifetime (at least) in order to be a vessel for spirit.
She has helped many people find more clarity and understanding by connecting with spirit on their behalf.
How do Channeling sessions work?
Donna will meet with you virtually to hear your story, concerns and intentions. She will then take your situation into meditation, holding your intention for spirit and the ancestors in sacred space. She will conclude by conveying the message she receives for you in light of your intention.
A complete channeling session is a three hour commitment.
Consultations are held by phone or virtually via Google Meet or Zoom. Please reach out for more information and to schedule a gratis fifteen minute consult.