Donna Lynn is the artist and creative spirit behind Lightning Feather Healing Arts. She is a gifted teacher with close to 30 years of experience, beginning in languages, teaching French and English to adults, and finding her way into early childhood education.


She has a BA in French and studied French language and culture at The Alliançe Française in Paris. She received her certificate in Waldorf early childhood education at the Sunbridge Institute and completed her grades foundation year at the Waldorf Teacher’s Development Association.


Donna is a holistic educational pioneer, spending 18 years in the field, focusing on Waldorf philosophy, nature immersion, art and therapeutic movement.

One’s relationship with spirit, and the spirit-self, is essential for wholeness. Tending the fire of this relationship is an important practice that reaps beautiful benefits. At Lightning Feather Healing Arts, the mission is to assist clients in tending this fire. Donna enjoys helping others connect with their wild, sacred selves and their innate creativity. She offers guidance to those wishing to explore the world of healing and expansion.


Donna is available for private, virtual consultations and retreats.
You may reach her in the contact section.

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Go on with a spirit that fears nothing.