Lightning Feather

Art is Medicine


Donna is powered by nature, prayer and creativity. She loves integrating nature immersion with the medicine of play, art, sound, movement and meditation. She combines her artistic pursuits with her spiritual practices, creating powerful healing and transformative experiences for clients. Out of this inspiration, she offers Flower Child Holistic sessions, energetic clearings, sound healing and Medicinal Movement classes and retreats.

The Medicine of Movement


Donna practices the medicine of movement for her own well-being and harmony, utilizing conscious dance for self-expression and personal healing and growth. She is a long-term practitioner of Hatha Yoga and a newcomer to the world of parcours. As a shamanic dancer, she connects with nature and spirit by practicing in the desert, with the sky, the rocks and the wind as her teachers. She has deepened this practice over a lifetime and it is one of her essential personal medicines. Donna enjoys helping clients access their transpersonal selves in her Medicinal Movement classes and retreats.