My Journey

I am the founder and creative force behind Lightning Feather Healing Arts and a co-founder of The Sacred Woman’s Truth Alliance. I am a free spirit who has been on the path of self-development and healing since I began a quest to find myself almost 40 years ago. My highest priority, greatest asset and passion is my relationship with spirit. I am an intuitive medium and mystic who is sensitive to energy and frequency. I have found my personal recipe for connecting with spirit and this inspires and enlivens my life. I am also grateful for the spiritual traditions and teachings that have inspired me, and thankful for the wonderful teachers who have guided my way.

The quest for consciousness and enlightenment is my fundamental pursuit. I was blessed to find Buddhism and the path of Yoga at an early age. I have been devoted to the practice of Hatha Yoga for over thirty years. I am also a devoted practitioner of The Radiance Technique®, having studied and achieved a level 3A degree. I work with transcendental, radiant, universal light energy. This process expands awareness, creates a capacity for consciousness, awakens the spirit and brings more clarity and insight to all of my endeavors.

I treasure transformational practices and processes including ceremony, dance, yoga and meditation. Nature is my medicine and my greatest ally. I live in the desert, which is where I pray and practice in solitude. My deep regard and close relationship with nature has led me to the study of indigenous spirituality and shamanism. I have received teachings from gifted elders in ceremony, the sacred, prayer, ancestral relations and healing.

I have drawn extensively on the work of Carl Jung in my own healing process. His understanding of individuation and wholeness inspired me many years ago to take up the work of the soul and the psyche. I have a gift for working with the shadow, active imagination and dreams. I combine this with my work in soul retrieval to bring wholeness and insight to clients.

I am passionate about the sacred wisdom of the feminine. I teach women about their sacred cycles and initiations. I give seminars and retreats about the three initiations of womanhood: the moon cycle, sacred motherhood and elderhood. I hope to bring more understanding and clarity about the true and sacred nature of women in a world where this knowledge has been misunderstood and misplaced. I am a guide for women who need counsel and ceremony. My work with The Sacred Woman’s Truth Alliance focuses on education, empowerment and developing insight for women everywhere. 

Becoming a mother was a powerful initiation for me. I considered it a spiritual task and drew heavily on my self-development skills. My practice of Buddhism and Hatha Yoga were essential tools. I immersed myself in the art of sacred mothering, which is the awareness that raising children is sacrosanct and blessed. My spiritual perspective and training as a Waldorf teacher gave me the strength to meet my task as a mother. I pioneered a holistic educational approach for my son whose needs were beyond the capabilities of traditional institutions. This bespoke educational path included the principles of Waldorf education, nature immersion, somatic and therapeutic support and the wisdom of diverse spiritual traditions. I consider my son to be one of my most important teachers and the experience of raising and educating him is my greatest trial and treasure.

I am an advocate for childhood and feel it should be protected and honored. Waldorf education encourages us to see children as souls with a purpose to unfold, not a mind to be filled with information. I appreciate this educational philosophy because of its therapeutic and spiritual nature. Waldorf teachers are viewed as artists and encouraged to be meditators and upright human beings. It was a great gift in my life to have been trained as a Waldorf teacher.

I take great care in my role as a healing artist. All of my work is dedicated to Ahimsa, which is an ancient Eastern principle of non-harming. I believe in high ethical standards for teachers and healers. I have spent a lifetime honing my innate healing gifts and purifying my practice in order to be of true service to others. My intuitive gifts and connection to spirit will amaze. My warmth, humility, and compassion will inspire. My ability to listen and heal will create change. Welcome to your transformation!