Fuel for the Soul/Shapeshifting Into Radiance

Virtual Healing Retreat


 Ignite your creative spark and connect to spirit and your inner guidance.

Nurture yourself with art, song, movement and meditation.

Gather in community.

Learn practices for health, wholeness and transformation.

Honor yourself and your journey to wholeness.

Class Details


Four week series

Beginning Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Meeting on October 4, 11, 18 and 25

6:00-8:30 pm Mountain Time

Recording Available

Price: $120.00

Reflections on the Retreat

Tending the relationship with oneself, the spirit self, is essential for health and wholeness and accessing our innate wisdom. In this four-week retreat, we will practice tuning into and honoring our inner guidance to create change in our lives, and heal. We will empower ourselves to take our healing and our life into our own creative and wise hands, with art, movement, song, meditation and imagination. We will nurture ourselves and go inward in reflection.

Because our energy and our thoughts create our lives, it is helpful to tune into the spirit self and check in on what we are creating. Is there a change we would like to make? Is there an aspect of our lives that is calling to us? We have the power to change our life, and to step into our unique radiance. It is our birthright to shine out our unique beauty and passion. Taking the time to listen to our soul’s calling and working with an intention to blossom into the radiant person we are, is the empowering work of Shapeshifting into Radiance.

Join Donna Lynn, the creative spirit behind Lightning Feather Healing Arts for an exploratory soul journey that will spark your imagination and transformation.

We will explore:

Fueling the fire of the soul with creativity.

Tuning into our higher guidance with art, movement, song, meditation and imagination.

Self reflection and intention driven healing.

Practicing the meditation of shapeshifting into light, our radiant selves.

Tending and working with the energy of our relationship to ourselves.

Taking responsibility for our healing and our soul unfolding.


Recording will be available for those unavailable on the set dates.

Please reach out with any questions in the contact section.